Our Charcoal Wholewheat breads are artisanal bread loaves made with a combination of whole wheat flour and activated charcoal, which imparts a striking black color to the bread. These loaves are known for their unique appearance and distinctive flavor. The charcoal not only gives them a dramatic look but also adds a subtle smokiness to the taste, and the whole wheat flour provides a hearty, nutty flavor and a denser texture, making them a nutritious choice.
They can be used for making visually striking sandwiches or as a conversation starter at gatherings. They also pair well with a variety of spreads, cheeses, and sandwich fillings. Despite their dark color, they have a mild flavor, making them versatile and suitable for both sweet and savory applications. These loaves are favored by those who appreciate bold, unconventional aesthetics in their baked goods while still enjoying the health benefits of the charcoal and the wholewheat.
Roti Tawar Gandum yang terbuat dari bahan premium dan gandum import, dipadukan dengan charcoal powder yang memiliki banyak manfaat untuk detox & kesehatan, menghasilkan tekstur roti yang lembut juga warna hitam khas charcoal sehingga memberikan visual dan rasa yang sangat berbeda.
1 bungkus isi 7 slice ketebalan per slice 2cm
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